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HR Services

Hiring Waugh HR to take care of your company’s HR needs can bring a multitude of benefits to your organization. We bring expertise in various HR areas, including talent acquisition and recruitment, performance management, employee relations, culture change and compliance with labor laws and regulations. By leveraging our specialized knowledge, you can avoid or resolve people problems, streamline your HR processes, reduce compliance risks and free up your time to focus on growing your business.

…Providing practical, creative and trusted HR advice and support throughout Australia.

Having a Waugh HR consultant on board also means access to best practices and industry trends that can improve your company’s HR strategy and overall performance. We can provide valuable insight into creating and implementing policies and procedures that align with your company’s goals and values, resulting in a more productive and engaged workforce.

Waugh HR can provide a fresh perspective and help solve complex HR challenges, from managing organizational change to creating a positive and inclusive work culture. Our external viewpoint can lead to innovative solutions and improved employee satisfaction.

Partnering with Waugh HR for consultant HR services can save your company time and money while ensuring that your HR functions are efficient, compliant, and supportive of your business objectives.

HR People Strategies Sunshine Coast

people Strategies

Strategy development, delivery and review
HR Services Sunshine Coast

We can work with you to develop a comprehensive plan, based on a thorough understanding of your business needs, on how to attract, engage, train and retain the people you need to succeed. We can also help you implement that plan, from identifying talent you need through to sourcing and interviewing them. We can also help you on board new employees so that they can quickly get up to speed with your organisation and the way it does things

HR Enterprise bargaining Sunshine Coast

Enterprise Bargaining

HR Services Sunshine Coast

Waugh HR has a proven track record in negotiating enterprise agreements in large and small organisations.

We have an extensive understanding of contemporary rules and regulations around bargaining. While each enterprise agreement is tailored to the needs of the organisation that makes it, we take a principle-based approach to negotiations with employees and their trade unions with the common goal of achieving simple, contemporary, fair and sustainable terms and conditions of employment.

Help with HR Policies and Procedures Sunshine Coast

Policies & Procedures

Policy development and review
HR Services Sunshine Coast

We have reviewed and developed Human Resource policies and procedures for large and small organisations in Australia and overseas. 

Human resources policies and procedures are essential for your organisation. There are laws related to employment and employees that you must understand and comply with. Waugh HR can help you develop and establish HR policies tailored to your organisation that are easy to understand and that make sense. We can help you ensure you meet legal requirements, reduce risks and protect yourself and your business without drowning in bureaucracy or unnecessary complexity.

HR Workplace Investigations, Complaints and Discipline Sunshine Coast

Investigations, discipline & complaints

Investigations, disciplinary procedures and complaint resolution
HR Services Sunshine Coast

Handling complaints about behaviours, allegations of misconduct or disagreements between employees can be a significant distraction for leaders. Balancing the interests of your business, those who make the allegations and those who are the subjects of the allegations fairly and effectively can be very challenging. A mishandled or mismanaged process can damage your organisations culture and reputation.

Waugh HR can manage workplace investigation processes for you and is skilled at conducting them in a fair, objective, transparent and trauma informed manner.

HR Solving People Issues Sunshine Coast

Resolving people issues

Working with leaders and managers to resolve their people issues
HR Services Sunshine Coast

In over 20 years of experience in senior HR roles, our Director, Nigel Waugh, has helped many leaders and managers to resolve challenging and complex people issues.

No two challenges are the same and Nigel’s approach is characterized by listening to his clients to understand the problem they are dealing with, exploring the current situation while avoiding assumptions, removing interference and providing perspectives before settling on options to resolve the situation and identifying the pros and cons of each.

Efficiency Report HR Services Sunshine Coast

Review effectiveness and efficiency

Review of the effectiveness and efficiency of organisations or functions
HR Services Sunshine Coast

As organisations grow in size and complexity it can be difficult to keep an eye on all the moving parts. Sometimes, it can be useful to have someone run an independent eye over a part or parts of your business to make sure that they are effective and efficient and all heading in the same direction

Waugh HR has significant experience in completing such reviews and focuses on producing clear, succinct evidence-based reports with practical recommendations that make a real difference to your organisation. 

HR Cultural development and management Sunshine Coast

Culture Change

Cultural and organisational change management
HR Services Sunshine Coast

We define culture as a shared set of values (what you care about), beliefs (what you believe to be true), and norms of behaviour (how things are done around here).

Cultures exist to align effort, give people a shared commonsense, increase predictability and provide an organisational understanding of what does and doesn’t work in your business.

Waugh HR can help you influence and develop the culture of your organisation through policies, practices and reward structures so that you can build the type of culture you need to succeed.

HR Job Descriptions & Training Development Sunshine Coast

job design, training & development

HR Services Sunshine Coast

Waugh HR can help you identify the skills that your people need for them, and through them, your organisation, to succeed.

Waugh HR can develop job descriptions that are easy to understand, and which establish the kinds of capabilities that your organisation requires to succeed. You can then identify and hire people with those skills or develop the skills in your current workforce.

Waugh HR has extensive experience in developing and delivering training and development programs: from executive leadership development programs to skills-based programs to address compliance risks.

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